Thursday, September 23, 2010

Patchwork for the precious one

Small blanket for babies will be quite easy & motivating to do!

I started stitching this during my first pregnancy. You know, make use of all the free time you have before the little terror is out..

Also if you can disregard the belief that "one is not supposed to touch needles when expecting"!

Monday, September 20, 2010

Patchwork for the dining table

How about dressing your dining table with patchwork?

Patchwork pillows

One of the easiest, & not very time consuming.

Great for beginners!

Tip #2: Start with smaller items. Its completion will motivate you to do bigger ones!!

Patchwork for the bed

Patchwork can be made into things that we use on a daily basis.

Duvet cover for the queen size bed.

More than 10 years old & still in use.

Tips #1: All you need in patchworking is patience!

Patchwork, patchwork - More than just a hobby

Patchwork (拼布 in Chinese) is the concept of sewing pieces of fabric in various shapes and colours to form a larger piece of design.

My first project - 32"x28" patchwork quilt, made up of 1"x1" squares (very small, I know)!